4 Situations in which you need to consult a good eye specialist
by Optoplus / December 2018
Eye pain, vision loss and severe ocular dryness are all symptoms which point towards one thing: it’s time to consult an optometrist. Not only are eye exams used to determine if vision correction is required; they also assess the health of your visual system. Optometrists are an essential part of preventive care. It is important to get regular check-ups at your eye clinic, especially when certain situations arise.
Allergy season
Once ragweed and pollen season is at one’s door, it is recommended to avoid being exposed to dust and strong winds which carry allergens. However, this doesn’t mean you should avoid being outdoors! Sunglasses are a good way to prevent your eyes from coming in contact with surrounding allergens. If symptoms persist (red eyes, burning sensation, itching, etc.), an optometrist can examine your eyes in order to detect the source of the issue and help you find a solution.
The effects of aging
With age, it is important to see an optometrist more often in order to detect ocular diseases (glaucoma, cataracts, diabetes, etc.) as early as possible. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a good example of a disease for which early detection is a key factor in controlling symptom progression. Although it is an incurable disease, some options such as laser photocoagulation or medication injections can slow its progression. However, these options are only available if the disease is detected in its early stages. It is therefore essential to visit an optometrist regularly once you reach fifty so the state of your eyes can be monitored.
Today’s main source of eye strain
An increasing amount of people are talking about “blue light” which refers to the shortest wavelength of the visible light spectrum. Eyes are unable to block this type of wavelength and thus, a significant amount reaches the retina. However, the number of light sources emitting blue light is now being multiplied and so does our exposure to the harmful rays. This constant exposure can tire the eye, but in the long term, it can contribute to the development of certain eye and sleep disorders. At Optoplus, our eyecare professionals offer lenses that are designed for current technology usage habits.Thus, blue light blockers act as an anti-fatigue eye treatment and reduce the effects of prolonged exposure to blue light.
Sports accident
Playing sports can expose us to the risk of eye injuries. A ball, for example, can do some serious damage. Impurities that find their way into the eye can also cause microdamage that could become a serious problem if left untreated. In these cases, it is important for athletes, even if they only feel slight discomfort, to consult an optometrist. An eye doctor will be able to perform the necessary tests to detect and address the problem. The first method of prevention to wear safety glasses! If ever you injure your eye, don’t rub it, consult your optometrist.
Since eyes are important, regardless of the circumstances, your optometrist is there to assess the health of your eyes and suggest the right treatment. At Optoplus eyecare clinics in Quebec, optometrists and opticians are there to offer advice based on your needs and eye health.
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