Below is a list of OPTOPLUS clinics that currently carry this brand.
All brands and styles can also be ordered through your OPTOPLUS clinic upon request... simply ask your optician!
632 Avenue Jacques-Cartier Donnacona, Quebec G3M 2G1
418 285-2944
More Informations
42, boulevard Taché Ouest Montmagny, Quebec G5V 3A2
418 248-2872
1625 Boulevard Louis Fréchette Nicolet, Quebec J3T 1Y9
819 293-2020
777 Avenue Royale Québec, Quebec G1E 1Z1
418 667-5778
1940 Rue de l'Interlude Québec, Quebec G3S 0R6
418 842-0305
210-5181 Boulevard Bourque Place Tèratèr Sherbrooke, Quebec J1N 1G8
819 612.3355
5710 Boulevard Jean-XXIII Trois-Rivières, Quebec G8Z 4B5
819 376-6776
601 Rue Duvernay Verchères, Quebec J0L 2R0
450 583-6644