Below is a list of OPTOPLUS clinics that currently carry this brand.
All brands and styles can also be ordered through your OPTOPLUS clinic upon request... simply ask your optician!
75 Boulevard Saint Luc Alma, Quebec G8B 6W7
418 662-6515
More Informations
150 Rue Angus S Bureau 9 East Angus, Quebec J0B 1R0
819 832-3433
107 Rue Joseph Gatineau, Quebec J8L 1E8
819 281-0311
1160, boulevard St-Joseph Hull, Quebec J8Z 1T3
819 776-3852
42, boulevard Taché Ouest Montmagny, Quebec G5V 3A2
418 248-2872
777 Avenue Royale Québec, Quebec G1E 1Z1
418 667-5778
2275 Rue King Ouest Sherbrooke, Quebec J1J 2G2
819 564-2255
5710 Boulevard Jean-XXIII Trois-Rivières, Quebec G8Z 4B5
819 376-6776
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